Loans to poor people by banks have numerous limitations including absence of security and high working costs. The Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development took a gander at several models for offering financial services to the unbanked, especially women, and chose to explore different avenues regarding an altogether different model, presently prevalent known as Self-help Groups. It involves commercial banks, territorial provincial banks and helpful banks in its operations. SHGs are often formed and sustained by NGOs and simply in the wake of accomplishing a specific dimension of development in terms of their inner thrift and credit operations, they can save, and furthermore seek credit from the banks. In this methodology, a small group of women can form their own little scaled down bank, self-governed and oversaw, and make links with banks, NGOs and banks. As a result, microfinance was produced as a choice to furnish loans to poor people with the objective of making financial inclusion and equity.
Objectives of Micro Finance
Loans to poor people by banks have numerous limitations including absence of security and high working costs. The Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development took a gander at several models for offering financial services to the unbanked, especially women, and chose to explore different avenues regarding an altogether different model, presently prevalent known as Self-help Groups. It involves commercial banks, territorial provincial banks and helpful banks in its operations. SHGs are often formed and sustained by NGOs and simply in the wake of accomplishing a specific dimension of development in terms of their inner thrift and credit operations, they can save, and furthermore seek credit from the banks. In this methodology, a small group of women can form their own little scaled down bank, self-governed and oversaw, and make links with banks, NGOs and banks. As a result, microfinance was produced as a choice to furnish loans to poor people with the objective of making financial inclusion and equity.