How Does Acne Spot Occur?

What is the worst part of teenage and adult? On an important day, you wake to find a brand new spot ? just when you really don?t want it. Acne is a universally problem for all kinds of people, but most probably it impacts on eighty percent young people and five percent adults. When you have acne spots problem the first thing you desire is a neat and clean face.

How Does Acne Spot Occur?

Where spots do come from? According to Dermatologists, sebaceous glands, which make the skin? natural oil, are found under the surface of the skin, particularly on the face, back, and shoulders. Spots occur when these glands go into overdrive and produce too much oil. Normally, the oil flows out of the narrow openings in the skin called pores. But when there?s an excess the pores can become blocked, resulting in blackheads or pimples. You can see this activity on the surface of your skin as redness and inflammation when the normally harmless bacteria in your skin get to work and an infection sets in.

Mrs. Ruhana Iqbal (Bhabis) Stated About Acne
A low cost solution of acne spot is in our hands, but we ignore it. The herbal expert and a well-known beautician Mrs. Ruhana Iqbal (Bhabis) says, most of you have used acne cure products; do you aware that products based on chemicals like benzyl peroxide that can damage your skin? Now with the passage of time research has proved that natural ingredients are much better than these products. These are a nature?s gift for us, but we are not aware with their use and that is our bad luck.


    Mrs. Ruhana Iqbal suggests for the treatment of acne, make a paste of one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon yogurt; apply on acne areas over night for a treatment.

Cucumber Juice

    Cucumber juice has so many healthy benefits; among all its benefits this is also effective when it comes to treat acne. Use cucumber juice as toner to get acne clear skin. Apply cucumber juice on your face for 10-12 minutes twice a week.


Acne spots are more complicated than people realize because it?s not only affects you physically, but mentally, emotionally and socially. This is really unbearable to face the embarrassment and frustration caused by the acne spots. This is such kinds of dilemma which needs your immediate attention. When you notice acne spot on your face apply toothpaste on spot at night and wash in the morning, toothpaste will reduce the spot.

Herbal Queen Shahnaz Hussain Remedies for Acne

Aloe Vera Gel

    For the treatment of this skin problem, herbal queen Shahnaz Hussain advice, to reduce acne spot apply Aloe Vera gel on your face in the morning and night two times in a day for one week.

Gram Flour

    Mix gram flour with milk and use as daily face wash to prevent acne.

Honey and Cinnamon

Mix together honey and cinnamon powder. Apply the paste on face before sleep for over night and next morning wash out your face. It has been proved effective for skin.

Remedies for Scars

    The scars left behind after severe spots can be almost as distressing as the spots themselves, but there are several home remedies which can reduce or even get rid of them. Although these remedies take time, but giving you a sure and perfect result.


    Potato contributes miracle results in skin care routine. A potato is helpful for natural removing of scares and pimples infections. Wash the potato and cut off the edge of the potato. Cut three thin slices of the potato. Being rubbing the slices onto your skin in circular motions, doing this all over your face. The purpose of this method is to let the potato juice soak into your skin. You must wait 15 minutes for the potato?s inner juice to soak onto your skin. Now wash your face off! Gently pat your face dry.

Olive Oil

    Olive oil is best for our skin. Fading marks message with olive oil gently on the affected areas of your face.

Other Natural Remedies

   Baking Soda

    Keep your skin clean by twice cleansing a day. Be careful not to over clean or you may strip away the skin?s natural bacteria and make it even more prone to outbreak. To remove the dead cells that can block pores and lead to spots, use an exfoliate. Baking soda is a cheap cooking ingredient and all of you have in home. Mix baking soda in water, apply on your face and rub gently for 20 seconds. Rinse off your face with normal water. Use this exfoliation once a week.

 Ice Cubes

    Ice cube works magically on acne. Place ice cube over acne and rub it gently to reduce inflammation and redness.

 Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is one of the best agents to remove acne and clear the acne marks, additionally it regulates the pH of the skin. Add ? tsp apple cider vinegar in 1 cup water. Dip a cotton wool in solution and gently apply by dabbing on all the affected areas, and let it stay overnight. Rinse off as usual in the morning.

Egg White

    Egg white is a great natural remedy for acne when used as a facial mask! Apply egg white on your face with the help or cotton ball or your finger tips. Leave it for 10 minutes then wash with water. You will notice a glowing skin after the rinse. Egg white has the properties to reduce the oil and minimize your pores in addition to drawing out impurities.


    Garlic is a main ingredient of our every day cooking. It is also good to cure acne as it knows ?acne killer?.  Take a garlic clove and thinly slice it. Rub the slices gently on your skin, particularly your problem areas, making sure the juice of the garlic is applied on the area. Leave on for 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

Tomato and Tomato Pulp

    Tomatoes have acidity that has quality to dry up the skin. Slice the tomato or get its pulp and simply set over your acne area. Keep it 10-15 minutes then rinse off with water. Repeat process until you get a clear skin.

Mint Leaves

    The fresh juice of mint leaves is also considered excellent when applied on acne and acne scars overnight.


Choose Acne- friendly Makeup

    The makeup you apply on your face has impact on your skin. Do not use oil based makeup, water-based oil-free cosmetics may be useful. Always wash your makeup before go to bed.

Keep Your Face Clean

    Keep your face clean, wash face twice a day to remove dirt, dead cells and extra oil from the surface of your skin. Wash your face with mild soap and water instead of medicated soap.

Change Your Pillowcase and Towel

    Dirty pillowcases/ towels can lead to acne, wash your pillowcase often and use clean towel for face. Using dirty pillowcase and towel can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

Get Shower

    Get a shower as soon as early you come back from work place because sweat combined with skin oils can leads to dirt and bacteria in your pores.

Review Shampoo

    A rare people can think a shampoo can cause acne. Shampoo and conditioner has fragrance and chemicals that irritate the skin and results breakouts on forehead, jaw, neck and back. This is best to choice non-fragrance shampoo and washes it out thoroughly from your hair.

Say ?Yes? to Exercise to Prevent Acne

    Do some exercise daily. It is proved that stress is one of the major causes of acne. So do exercise daily for a relief from stress. Doing exercise also help to look and feel better.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drink lots of water to remove impurities from the bloodstream and toxins from your system.

 What Not To Do?

Avoid Touching the Face

    Keep away your hand from the face. Do not squeeze or touch your pimples because touching may lead to infection.

Say No to Junk Food

    Adopt healthy eating habits and avoid fatty and junk food. Eat fruits and vegetables for your overall good health.

   Stay Out of the Sun

    Do not stay under the sun rays because the sun's ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness. Whenever go out apply sun screen on your face because sun can cause to darken the acne and scars.

No Vitamin E

    Do not apply Vitamin E directly to a scar as it can hinder its healing.
    Teens and adults who plagued by pimples or having a spot of bother with acne! Now help is at your hand to find out how you can blitz those zits.

    Here are few acne remove products are available in our grocery store, few of most popular products are listed below

Article Source : Khanapakana