Some Useful Tips for your skin..............

Read on to find out about tips that can make your skin beautiful...

Health: What services are you offering at your clinic?
Dr: I give consultations for diseases involving skin, hair and nails along with various lasers. I treat skin conditions like Hirsutisim, hair and tattoo removal, cosmetic facial resurfacing and skin tightening. Other services include removal of moles, warts, tags and corns, chemical peels, botox, fillers that replace what we lose with age and dark circles. I also do Microdermabrasions for acne scars and pigmentation.
If you have any skin problem, the best way to start is by scheduling a consultation visit, because there are often several options for treating any condition or problem. The problems include acne, actinic Keratosis, eczema/Atopic, hair loss, herpes, nail care and several other infections.

Health: Tell us about the procedure micro-dermabrasion.
Dr: Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled abrasion (wearing away) of the upper layers of the skin with sandpaper or other mechanical means. It is essentially powerful mechanical exfoliation with an expensive machine, generally either the original crystal microdermabrasion technology or the newer diamond-tip microdermabrasion. Both the procedures work by removing the uppermost layer of dead skin cells from the face, chest and hands. It is a non-invasive procedure and may be performed by a trained skin care professionals. While it may have little effect on deep wrinkles or major scars, getting rid of this outer layer (the stratum corneum) can be an effective way to freshen up your skin and achieve a healthier, younger appearance.
While there is very little risk of negative side effects associated with this treatment, the capability of microdermabrasion machines has increased over time and only a trained skin expert will have the knowledge of how to get the best results. Physician supervised clinics will often combine microderm with other procedures, such as chemical peels, or products to maximise the effects. When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a consultation with a physician trained in proper skin care is always the best advice.

Health: What are the effects of micro-dermabrasion?
Dr: It cleanses scars and pigmentations, but multiple sittings are required to achieve that. It's a good option for people who experience problems with soaps and creams. Those who have oily skin, this procedure also helps in reducing the oil content of the face.

Health: What is the cost?
Dr: The cost depends on the machine being used. The vitality of the crystals effect the price but three to four thousand is the ideal price. 

Health: Who can or should opt for this procedure?
Dr: Teenagers and above.

Health: Are there any other procedures to remove facial scars?
Dr: Fractional rejuvenation laser and Derma roller. Scar creams play a partial role.

Healht: Scars are mostly caused by acne. Do you have any cure for acne?
Dr: It all depends on the type of acne it is. Mild acne goes away early, whereas, moderate acne or cases with severe acne take time. If the acne is related to just the skin then a dermatologist can help. But if it's hormonal, then a gynaecologist needs to be involved too. There is no universal treatment as such for acne and a lot depends on the need of the patient. Most importantly, patients need to take the acne problem as a disease. They should not waste their time on random treatments as it only causes further complications.

Health: How else can the appearance of the skin improve? Tell us about some medicines, creams, food etc.
Dr: Good food includes fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products. People should also have multi-vitamins, especially Vitamin E, since it's good for the skin. Also, make sure to use different creams for different seasons.

Health: Do you support whitening facials and others that have become extremely popular nowadays? Are they good for the skin?
Dr: Whitening facials can help the skin if they are genuine and performed by professionals. Most of the salons here use bleach, which at times burns the skin. If a big event is coming up, I suggest ladies to opt for cleansing instead.