How to Prevent Man Boobs

This may be a funny topic, except that for some people it is 
very real, and embarrassing. Parents and young males should take note of contributing factors, making this an entirely preventable problem.

First of all let me start out by saying, I do not have man boobs. I am a girl, well okay, a woman. I want to point out that while man boobs occur in adult men, particularly those who are obese, a real problem is if they start to develop on young teenage boys. This is a real heath concern.

Breast development in teenage males is becoming more and more common. I doubt there has been a genetic mutation that suddenly occurred throughout the population, so it is more likely the result of an external force. The most likely cause of this is therefore, diet. I suggest three main areas of diet are contributing to the problem. I have started with the least likely culprits and worked up to what I feel is the biggest offender. Change your diet and you should be safer from developing this embarrassing problem.

Potato Chips. High in fat. Breast tissue is largely fat, eating fatty substances surely would contribute to the problem, especially in teenage boys. There are many different kinds of chips, some are being baked in ways that reduces the amount of fat. Rather than giving up eating potato chips altogether, a person should try to convert to eating the less fatty variety.
Beef and Pork. Meat is a problem, but not because of the fat content, and not because of how it is cooked. Mostly it is a problem because of the growth hormones injected into the animal, these hormones enter your body, even in minute amounts, eventually they can become a problem and possibly contribute to the development of male breast tissue growth. An easy thing to do is simply reduce the meat portion of your diet, in no way am I pushing people to become vegetarians, but in some cultures we eat far more meat than is recommended for daily intake.
Chicken. The number one contributer. The meat industry values the chicken breast. Chickens are selected for large breasts, and bred for that as well. Additionally they are given hormones to encourage larger breast development. It is my opinion, and has not been medically proven to my knowledge, that these hormones are likely to have entered the food supply, resulting in the unnatural growth of male breast tissue. You can select organically grown chicken or simply reduce the amount of chicken you consume.
Okay, true, this may not be scientifically proven yet, but it logically makes sense. Connect the dots yourself. It is common sense, this problem didn?t use to exist, we didn?t used to pump our food animals full of growth hormones. The problem is not as common in other cultures who do not eat as much meat, or where livestock is not subjected to so many chemicals.

Do I think this will help girls grow larger breasts? Well in truth it has been proven that the chemicals and hormones in meat have contributed to earlier puberty. However, this is actually a dangerous thing. The early onset of puberty creates very awkward moments for young girls who are not emotionally ready for the physical responsibility. I think the chemicals and hormones are triggering development, and will not necessarily make girls grow larger breasts, so I do not feel eating more meat is a good thing for young women to do if they want big boobs. Parents need to pay special attention to what food they offer at meal times to avoid creating this problem from, developing, pardon the pun.

There are other dangers of consuming meat in large quantities, studies have linked it to cancer. I am not suggesting people give up meat totally, but remember the recommended daily portion size is about the size of a deck of cards, and it is okay to have some days without consuming meat. Wash all fruits and vegetables.

Male breast development is real, it?s a problem, and it is preventable.

I have decided to spare you the pain of having pictures on this site, which are really not necessary. While this is a funny topic, all the points I made are serious.