Easy way out!

Intro: Recently, a seminar that highlighted the topic of
 contraception was held in Karachi-Pakistan. 

Children are a gift of God. However, there are some mothers who can't afford to conceive due to various reasons including illnesses, lack of financial stability, young age as well as already having given birth to more than one child. Due to these reasons many women turn towards procedures like abortion unwillingly. However, it is to make sure that the woman does not conceive before she is completely ready to bring a child into this world, rather than taking away the life of a child. This is why measures of contraception have become so vital over the years. Unfortunately, concepts such as contraception and family planning are still considered to be a taboo in our country. This in effect raises the need of awareness on such topics since many people are deprived of any sort of information. Luckily, we are not far behind as there are still some organisations that are willing to take a step for the betterment of many women who do not want to conceive, as well as aiding in putting a stop to the economical problem of over-population.

Recently, Bayer HealthCare Pakistan (a company in the healthcare and medical products industry) celebrated 'World Contraception Day' by organising a symposium at Marriott hotel, Karachi. The World Contraception Day is a worldwide campaign aiming to raise awareness about the methods of contraception and to highlight the need to reduce the high levels of unplanned pregnancies. It is aimed at all women and men in the reproductive age group and events are organised around the world to mark the importance of this day and the delicate topic it is dedicated to. The annual worldwide campaign aims for a world where every pregnancy is wanted, under the motto 'Live Your Life. Know your rights. Learn about contraception.' The campaign's main aim, however, is to educate women regarding their health care.

In the year 2011 WCD has focused its campaign on married couples. In this regard the symposium held in Karachi intended to raise awareness of regarding different methods of contraception amongst the married couples in Pakistan and to enlighten them about various available contraceptive methods. The event had open discussions amongst key opinion leaders (KOLs) who provided the audience with balanced information and tailored resources. Consultants and gynaecologists were also present to enlighten the audience on the topic at hand. Bayer Health Care introduced two characters Mr. and Mrs. Mansu to illustrate their campaign effectively, which was quite an innovative and interesting concept. 

Mr. and Mrs Mansu (Mian Mansu and Begum Mansu; their names are derived by the term 'Mansuba' in Urdu language which means planning). The married couple depicted how they were evenly balancing their professional, personal and social life, after attaining the knowledge of contraception. Yes, being aware of the methods of contraception gives one the freedom to get pregnant by choice; hence it removes the unnecessary burden on a couple and strengthens their bond. The event proved to be a success and so did the new method of raising awareness. Various questions were answered by the experts present at the event, who also emphasised on the importance of family planning and all the positivities linked to it. However, we hope that people retain all that they learnt on WCD and try the different types of contraceptives available. It is after all, for their own good. A child that is awaited by the parents will always lead a happier life as compared to an unwanted one. Don't go through pregnancies by putting your happiness as well as the joy of your unborn child at stake. Everyone has the right to choose!